Parable of the Water Sellers

Originally published on 2020-11-28

You and five friends are stranded in the desert. You haven't seen civilization in days, and you're long out if water. Suddenly you encounter two small stands, both selling bottles of water. You ask the first one for a bottle. The seller tells you the price is $1 million. “What??” You say, infuriated. How can they ask for such a ridiculous amount of money when your life is at stake? “Well if you can't afford that, maybe you and your friends could share a bottle, for about 1500 bucks each, every month, for the rest of your life.” The gang and you go to the second stand, hoping to find a more sensible answer. “I heard your discussion there”, says the second seller. “I can't believe he's trying to rip you off like that! I'll give you a bottle for much cheaper: just 800 grand!” “How dare you!” Says your friend. “How dare you ask for such a high price when we are clearly in such a dire situation!” “And it's not like you haven't got enough water for yourself!” Says another friend. The seller smiles. “I don't understand why all of you are so angry at me.” He says calmly. “Look at all of your options. It's not like I'm forcing you to buy.”

On another topic, let's talk about the housing crisis.

נכתב על ידי טליה, ״הלוחמת בטרפיות״. פוסט זה הוא חלק מסדרת הארכיון. ניתן למצוא פוסטים חדשים יותר בקישור הזה.

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